Attention Ladies !! Why you Need to Pee after s*x

Several times ladies complain of infectious diseases {UTIs} or sexually transmitted diseases such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea among others but what most ladies fail to understand is what could attribute to such?

Attention Ladies !! Why you Need to Pee after s*x

Well in today's article, I will enlighten ladies on the importance of peeing after lovemaking to avoid unnecessary infections.

  1. Ladies are encouraged to pee immediately after having fun to avoid getting an infection. This is because peeing helps to cleanse the urethra from harmful bacteria and could help from getting a urinary tract infection.

According to Dweck, the biggest benefit of urinating after sexual intercourse is that it helps reduce the chances of getting a urinary tract infection.

"By urinating both before and after and sex, the urine stream instantly mechanically cleanses and flushes the bacteria that could enter the urethra, which is where you urinate from," Dweck said. "Peeing before sex can also be beneficial because it decompresses the bladder for comfort."