Reasons Why A Woman Misses Her Menses but not Pregnant

Missing periods can sometimes be shocking as hell especially when it happens to unmarried women but are in relationships. Well, scientifically when a woman misses her period, then it means she is expecting but ironically some women do even in the absence of some growing foetus.

Reasons Why A Woman Misses Her Menses but not Pregnant

Below are the reasons why a woman might miss her period but not pregnant:
Oral contraceptives are known to cause delayed menses and sometimes they can miss at all. Most of these contraceptives fail times, so it can sometimes lead to pregnancy.
When this happens, the woman should shift and use an alternative Birth Control means.

2.High or Low Body Fat
Too much fat can affect a woman's period timetable make just like low fats in the body can do. Those with low fat may experience these same problems too.
Therefore these patients should try to eat a balanced diet and avoid junky foods. 

3.Excess Workouts

It is okay and very healthy to work out but overdoing it can affect your period circle. It can lead to delayed menses but if it is occasioned by side effects visit your doctor's medical check-up.