Woman Be Yourself , You Will Win All The Time

Either they leave you because you are too much or stay because you are enough for them.

Woman Be Yourself , You Will Win All  The Time

" If I tell men The truth they will run away"; this has been the fear of many women of this generation.

Women have been automated to show off or act 'good' to attract men, Hoping to reveal their true self once they are safely in their arms as perhaps by then it would be too late for them to leave.

The need to be perfect and of good standing is so serious we have seen women pass off their own biological children as siblings or even as domestic help so that their soon-to-be husbands think they are blemish-free. You have women carrying capsules of chicken blood on their wedding night to trick some dizzy goat into believing she is a quivering virgin.

This hiding of one's real self is not confined to personal life but to the professional one as well. We wear box suits and dull colors to hide our femininity in the workplace.

These, however, will only last for a while since at one point the truth is revealed and the party is forced to go through the repacations.

Hence  As a recovering “good” woman, Just show up as you are.

In relationships, either platonic or romantic. Be you. You will win all the time. Either they leave you alone because you are too much or they stay because you are enough for them. Being left is not the worst thing that can happen in any relationship. Especially if you are being authentic.

It is only a tragedy because you used too much energy being fake, suffocating your true self, and now after all that and all the time invested, you have still been left. That is why you hear phrases like “After all, I did for you?”

So let us call it what it is, trying to be society’s idea of being good for women is a form of manipulation. Witchcraft (the bad kind) if you like. Your aim is to make the other party do something for you under false pretense.