why you should stop being a Simp

The slang “simp’ describes a young man who is too nice in the hope of getting some action A man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table

why you  should stop being a Simp
a simp

Why you should stop being a simp

The slang “simp’ describes a young man who is too nice in the hope of getting some action. 

A man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table.

– A man that puts too much value on a female for no reason.

– A man that prides himself with ‘Chivalry’ in hopes of getting sexual gratification from women. This misogyny is for men who are too sympathetic and too caring and treat women like goddesses. What they do not know is that countless women resent this and will push them away. To some, a turn-off.

The simp will break his bones and do whatever this girl wants in the hope that the girl will one day realize how great a man he is and finally decide to date him. 

The truth is life is not like those movies learn to man up and treat women just like normal humans doing this will transform your dating life.

 Remember simps finish last after everyone else. Women do not like simps, neither do real men. If you do not learn to be an alpha male you won't find yourself going somewhere in the dating world. It is most likely things will never change.

In society being too good will have you a doormat. People will toy with your feelings and emotions. It is sad but true that good boys end up single and bad boys marry.

Common examples of simping behavior

     Calling more than two times

     Always initiating conversation

     Sending money to get attention

     Double texting

     Entertaining bad behavior because she is hot

 How to stop being a simp

    Stop going after women who show little or no attention to you.

     Be a man and align every word with actions

     Stop aggrandizing women hate it.

     Build self-esteem