Why You Should Sanitize Your Social Media After A Breakup

Some people want to stay friends after a breakup, while others completely delete all images and evidence of their time together as a couple. Some think deleting or sanitizing the shared memories is petty. In reality, it boils down to pure science. This is then why you should sanitize your social media after a breakup;

Why You Should Sanitize Your Social Media After A Breakup

1. It will stop the drow back questions

Nothing feels more awkward than being asked about your ex after the two of you have broken up. To avoid the endless stream of questions about where they are and how the two of you are doing, clearing your socials of them will clearly point to the fact that the two of you aren’t an item anymore.

2. It Gives you some space

Personal space is essential post-breakup. We all become a new person as we move on from the past, coming into this new identity as a single person. A partner-free account signifies freedom and can be completely life-affirming. You don’t owe the world of social media an explanation of your breakup, but you can share pics of your fresh start.

3. It’s a purifying detox

This rings especially true for toxic relationships and abusive cycles. Sanitizing can help you cope and act as an exercise of sorts – with every image, you’re extracting this person from your life, and therefore muting the more painful reminders or difficult memories. Purge their existence and feel lighter immediately.

4. For your closure

It can feel impossible to move onto a new chapter when all you’re scrolling through is pics of adorable couples, even the one you used to be a part of. The closure isn’t possible if you keep seeing that person’s face, but a new start is easier once you take them off your page. Many people feel better after doing so.

5. It Opens the Door for the new opportunities

How are you going to know that cute co-worker is also crushing on you if your account is littered with the ghosts of your boyfriend's past? People won’t know you’re not together anymore, so put up some alluring single photos instead that will let people know you’re back on the market. Take our advice and see – the DMs will start sliding in.  

6. Spending too much time on social media makes us obsessive

7. It removes triggers