Are You a Simp?

Simply put, simps are people that try extremely hard to impress the people they like. They’re known for going overboard to satisfy the needs of the people they adore or like. Unfortunately, these efforts devalue them as individuals, acting subservient to the apples of their eyes. 

Are You a Simp?

Times have changed, and social media rules these days. TikTok and Instagram are trend machines that churn out challenges every day. If you’re a TikTok user, you’ve probably come across the word Simp before or might have been called one. 

However, not many people know what exactly this is, or if they’ve ever been one before. As a result, there’s a lot of confusion surrounding this term. 

What is a SIMP? 

The general understanding is that Simp means “Sucker Idolizing Mediocre P#ssy”, The true meaning is nowhere near as exciting. From a historical point of view, the term is a short-form of “simpleton”, meaning silly person or fool. So by today’s standards, it’s not such a bad insult but it’s taken a whole new meaning in 2021. 

A simp is basically that infamous ‘Nice Guy’ in the Gen Z world. Everyone knows this person these days. Someone who concentrates on being sycophantic and controlling instead of attracting the opposite sex by being interesting, vibrant, and thoughtful. 

A simp uses faux niceness to trick the person they like into feeling secure, hoping to get some romantic leverage they can cash later. Sure, the term is entirely heteronormative and basic in nature providing a binary view of how modern romance plays out. Still, gender roles can be interchanged in this scenario, seeing as how there are many TikToks and Simp Nation memes that feature women. 

However, with that said, the practice involves way more men than it does women. 

What Makes you a SIMP? 

According to a NoChillTy post on TikTok, a few solid factors make one a simp. Some of the signs that show you’re a simp include;

  • Going above and beyond for a woman that doesn’t like you
  • Constantly trying to impress the female species
  • Putting women before yourself 
  • Hating female slander of any kind 
  • Letting females walk all over you
  • Always getting curved or ghosted

While these are in no way hard and fast rules, there’s one thing that people consider universal about Simps, most girls usually don’t want them back. 

Are an Incel and Simp the Same? 

The term Simp is now being placed next to words like Involuntarily Celibate or Incel, which many people claim is a form of misandry. However, Incel is a man who’s got some misogynistic tendencies and doesn’t realize it. These men believe that they deserve sex when they’re complimentary, friendly, and polite, which is not the case. 

The link between an incel and Simp is a very interesting one. Each one acts one way, but both have ulterior motives behind their actions. Bottom line, reconsider your approach if you’re the type who’s nice only when you have an ulterior motive. It’s not something that works.