Types of Relationships With God

As we have seen in previous articles, there are various types of connections that we encounter in our daily lives. The relationship we have with our creator is one of the most important relationships. Religious people all over the world practice this type of relationship.

Types of Relationships With God

 Each person has a way in which they relate to their creator. The relationship also varies among different religions that we have witnessed worldwide and the different cultures that we have.

A person's love for God must show itself in love for people. A person's relationship with God can shape his or her outlook on life on a daily basis.

A recent study in Sociology of Religion discovered that praying and talking to God can actually relieve stress. Researchers and psychologists have also discovered that people who believe in God worry less and are more tolerant of unexpected situations.

Here are the different types of relationships that we have with God.

1. Relationship with self

Our relationship with ourselves is founded on our identity as God's beloved child.

In most cases, you'll find that before your outside relationships become successful and fruitful, you must have a good relationship with yourself. That way, you are able to practice what you have experienced and felt with God and others.

2. Relationship with others.

We enter into a new relationship with God's other children as we encounter Him and claim our identity as His beloved children. This relationship is founded on God's "communal nature" - the Trinity communing as three in one.

God brings us together so that God can dwell among God's people.

3. Relationship with God

This is the first relationship we have with our creator. 

God created us to be in a relationship with Him, and nothing in our world seems quite right until we are. Our souls are agitated. The Bible's good news is that there is a God who loves us and desires a relationship with us.

How to build a good relationship with God

We are born with the desire to love and be loved. That is why we value personal relationships and devote our time and energy to maintaining them. Effective two-way communication and service fuel our interactions with God.

Our relationships with God are not the same as our relationships with the people in our lives. Those people, for example, may appear to be easier to reach. While we may not be able to talk to God's face to face, we can each have a deeper, more loving connection with Him than with anyone else.

1. Daily prayer

The most effective way to establish and maintain a relationship with anyone, including God, is through communication, and we communicate with God through prayer.

Child Praying. PHOTO FILE

“Never assume that you can make it alone. You need the help of the Lord. Never hesitate to get on your knees in some private place and speak with Him. What a marvelous and wonderful thing is prayer. Think of it. We can actually speak with our Father in Heaven,” Gordon B. Hinckley stated.

2. Reading the scriptures

Basically, reading enlightens us in various ways and one of the ways to create a good relationship with God is through reading the scriptures. This way, you get to understand God and also understand what others when through and how they made it through.

Scripture. PHOTO FILE

Reading the scriptures more often also enables you to familiarize yourself with the scriptures which also improves your daily life habits.

3. Serving others.

Serving others is one of the best ways to express your love for God. If that seems counterintuitive, keep in mind that God is a Heavenly Father who loves His children. He is pleased when we share His love with one another.

Serve others. PHOTO FILE

4. Being righteous

A righteous person's prayer is favored by God. Thus, practice righteousness to ensure that your prayers and conversations with God effectively strengthen your relationship with Him. He is righteous in the sense that he does what is morally correct, just, pure, and holy.

5. Knowing God better

You cannot truly love God unless you know Him. As a result, deepen your relationship with God by getting to know Him better. You can get to know and understand God better by reading His words and teachings in the Scriptures, listening to a true preacher about Him, and putting what you've learned into practice.

6. Love your family and friends

Your parents, brothers, and sisters are the people you've been sharing a home with for years. Your friends have also accompanied you on your journey. How can you have a good relationship with God if you can't have a good relationship with the people you've always seen?


To strengthen your relationship with God, learn to love, honor, and respect your parents and siblings.

In practicing this, you're assured that your relationship with God will get to improve with time and things will work out for you in ways that you have never imagined.