Attention Mothers! Do these things to give Birth to Intelligent Babies

There are different things that expecting mothers should do to enable them to give birth to healthy and brilliant children. The kinds of food that they consume also affect their babies' development and therefore they should take keen observations of them.

Attention Mothers! Do these things to give Birth to Intelligent Babies

Well, below is a list of dos and don'ts that pregnant women should observe.

1. Healthy food

Pregnant women should eat healthy food such as fruits and vegetables for the healthy growth and development of their baby inside the womb, This is because healthy meals improve the baby's brain development. The foetal brain also requires some of the essential nutrients like omega-3 and fatty acids for brain development, these include leafy greens, beans, oil, and ghee.

2. Vitamin D

This can be found in the natural sunshine. As a pregnant mother, you should find your time basking in the sun especially around 9 am to 11 am.

The Vitamin D from the sun is essential for healthy borns and teeth as the mother also passes it to the growing baby.

Remember: lack of enough sunshine can lead to autism in infants.

Autism is a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication.

3. Communicate to your foetus

It is required that as a mother to be you should be communicating to your unborn baby by massaging your belly and talking as well.

Gently stroking your abdomen will also stimulate your kid to be able to respond to stimuli with increased activity. They can readily know their mother's voice even outside the womb, which will promote their brain development.

4. Avoid alcohol

During the pregnancy period, mothers are not advised to take in alcohol. This is because alcohol can cause brain development disorders in the fetus.

5. Exercise your body

Exercise is beneficial to the baby because endorphins, often known as feel-good chemicals, are released in your body and passed on to your growing fetus, assisting in the development of the kid's brain.