Mike Sonko Elicits Reactions Online as he Smokes Cigar {PHOTOS}

Ex Nairobi governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has sparked mixed reactions online after he posted a picture of him smoking a Cigar popularly known as "Sigara Kubwa".

Mike Sonko Elicits Reactions Online as he Smokes Cigar {PHOTOS}

The former Nairobi boss also educated his followers on social media that they should know there's a very big difference's between cigarette's, Cigar or Sigara Kubwa and Bhang or Marijuana and even stated that Cigar is available at all tobacco selling outlets which he even mentioned like Wilson Airport and JKIA.

                                                EX- Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko Photo Courtesy 

Sonko`s shocking photos come at a time section of the Rastafarians  Community on Monday 17th moved to Milimani law courts seeking the legalization of Marijuana in the country.

In the petition, they argue that followers/believers of the Rastafari faith use bhang or cannabis by either smoking, drinking, eating, bathing, and/or burning incense for spiritual, medicinal, culinary, and ceremonial purposes as a sacrament to manifest their faith.

                                    Rastafarians On Monday 17th at Milimani Law courts   Nairobi  Photo Courtesy 

They further argue that Rastafarians are a marginalized group that is apolitical thus politically powerless and often subjected to prejudice, intimidation, unwarranted searches of their persons and their homes, and prosecutions because of their spiritual use of cannabis in their private homes or designated places of worship yet the use of herb or cannabis is grounded in biblical redemption and deliverance.