Family Denied Life Insurance Over Covid-19 Vaccine Death

A contentious topic is generating a stir on social media:. Corona shots are said to have killed a wealthy and elderly Parisian businessman. According to reports in the media, he had already purchased multimillion-dollar policies for his children and grandkids. Since then, people have been more aware of the dangers involved with Corona vaccine than ever before.

Family Denied Life Insurance Over Covid-19 Vaccine Death

Insurance companies and health care providers alike believe that vaccinations are a major contributor to death. Since then, people have been more aware of the dangers involved with Corona shots than at any time before. According to them, the deceased provided their permission for the research to proceed. Covid-19 does not fall within the category of "severe illnesses.

The death of a patient as a result of an experimental vaccination is linked to corporate murder. As a result of the insurance company's claim denial, the family's claim for reimbursement for Corona injections and other experimental therapy was denied. Consequently, they were unable to sue the insurance company.

The court seems to have made its conclusion based on the following reasoning: It is hard for a person to claim ignorance of the vaccination's negative consequences after he or she has injected themselves with the vaccine. It has been determined that he took his own life. The insurance company will not make any concessions since suicide is not covered by the policy.