Another Accident Witnessed along Nairobi Expressway Involving Asuper Metro Bus

Barely two days after an accident occurred at the toll station in Mlolongo at the Nairobi expressway involving an Embassava bus, another accident occurred on Wednesday 6th morning involving a super Metro minibus further resulting in a huge traffic snarl-up along Nairobi’s Waiyaki Way.

Another Accident Witnessed along Nairobi Expressway Involving Asuper Metro Bus

According to witnesses, a Super Metro passenger bus flipped and blocked the expressway's entrance as well as a portion of Waiyaki Way.

This occurred after slamming into the guardrail in order to avoid colliding with another vehicle on the road.
Many people were seriously hurt and were rushed to the hospital.


A photo of an overturned super metro bus. PHOTO TWITTER

However, on Tuesday 6th, Media personality Caroline Mutoko condemned the issue of public service vehicles using the expressway citing that more trouble would be witnessed since PSV  drivers are indisciplined.

She wrote; “Wait…we now have matatus on the expressway? Courting trouble…”


A photo of an overturned super metro bus. PHOTO TWITTER

Her statement was wrongly received by a section of Kenyans' Twitter further trolling her for the whole day.

Some netizens slammed her for implying that the Expressway was only built for the wealthy.

Caroline, on the other hand, responded to internet trolls who harassed her in a video on her YouTube account.

Caroline clarified that she meant that because most PSVs travel too fast on highways, allowing them to utilize the Expressway could endanger passengers and other vehicles.

She went on to clarify that there was no problem with PSVs using the expressway as long as their speed governors were turned back on.

“I want to talk about the myopia of anybody thinking that my concern about PSVs being on the Expressway is about PSVs. It is about the fact that as a people we are indisciplined, as Nairobians we are grossly indisciplined, PSVs in Nairobi are massively indisciplined. We are courting trouble,” she noted.