Uproar As TV Queen Linda Ogutu Handed FKF Job Over Carol Radull

Kenyans on Twitter have called upon Sports Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed to revoke the appointment of KTN news anchor Linda Ogutu to lead the newly constituted Football Kenya Federation {FKF} caretaker committee and appoint Carol Radull.

Uproar As TV Queen Linda Ogutu Handed FKF Job Over Carol Radull

This comes after Linda`s appointment towards the role ignited mixed reactions amongst netizens.

According to Kenyans on Twitter {KOT}, they believe that the TV journalist may not understand the sport's politics, and therefore Carol Radull who has been at the center of sports reporting in the country may have been appointed instead.

Ms. Ogutu was chosen by CS Amina to temporarily replace the disbanded FKF officials led by recalcitrant president Nick Mwendwa, who has already stated that he will not accept the new group into office regardless of the circumstances.


                    Sports Radio Commentator Carol Radull. PHOTO TWITTER

“The CS has done what she thinks is right but as you can see, she is getting involved into sports politics which she doesn’t understand well. Even the names she has picked some are our competitors and she even got their names wrong. We reject them and we will not allow them in office since it is an illegal team,” Nick charged.

However, the following staff will deputize Linda: Michael Mucheni as the secretary, Lorine Nerea Shitubi as Joint Secretary, Caesar Handa, Herbet Mwachiro, Edward Rombo, Hiba Hussein, and Gabriel Warigi.