Proven Ways To Build Self Esteem

Self-esteem is either built or broken depending on our upbringing but as adults we are the reasons why we lower our self-esteem with either comparison with others, perfectionism or toxic associations with others. Learn few tips on how to build your self-esteem from scratch.

Proven Ways To Build Self Esteem


Self-esteem is generally our self-worth or personal value. How we perceive ourselves and what we believe about ourselves. Self-esteem is either built or broken depending on our upbringing but as adults we are the reasons why we lower our self-esteem with either comparison with others, perfectionism or toxic associations with others. Learn few tips on how to build your self-esteem from scratch.

Understand that no one is perfect. Ditch perfectionism. The moment you learn to accept that it’s better done than perfected is when you start to build confidence. Being perfect is the highest form of imperfection since you can always find someone who dislikes how you do your things. Either way, just do you.

Celebrate the small things you are able to achieve in time. Planning goals and achieving them is not a walk in the park. So many people have the slightest of goals but never get to achieve them. For every little thing you do, try and appreciate it before getting to the greater goals you have in life. Celebration of the little ones will give you motivation to work on the rest.

Surround yourself with a supportive group. When you have a clique that will always lead you to right decisions and lend a hand when they can, you feel motivated and willing to do more. You should also mingle around people that motivate you towards your own goals and being your cheerleaders.

Stop comparing yourself with other people. In as much as you cannot avoid it, you have to try in case you want to work on your self-esteem. Your peers could have it all and have achieved all they wanted in time but we are not the same in destiny. Your path is different from the others and all you can do is focus on your own path.

Working on yourself includes building your self-esteem and working on your confidence. You can never go wrong with choosing yourself and choosing to better your traits and improve your strongholds. Do not ignore your weaknesses too, work on them but do not try to hide them. They are still part of who we are since no one is perfect.