Alert! Pregnant Ladies Here are the Ways of Reducing Frequent Short Calls

Once a lady is pregnant there are always some pregnancy-related discomforts but what you need to know is that the problems will always diminish after a period of sometimes.

Alert! Pregnant Ladies Here are the Ways of Reducing Frequent Short Calls

One of the most related problems, once a lady conceives, is the frequency in the number of Short calls especially in the early trimesters of pregnancy.

However, below are the tips and precautions expectant mothers should follow to avoid frequent visits to the washrooms.

1. Reduce your water intake at night: if you are used to taking too much water especially when retiring to bed, is not good since it won’t reduce the number of times you go for short calls but rather make it worse and it is advised that pregnant mother should have maximum enough sleep undisturbed.

2.Learn to lean forward: When Pregnant you should always lean forward when you go for a long call to make sure you empty your bladder well every time. Remember this is for your good and health.

3.Avoid caffeine beverages: You should always avoid beverages and foods containing Caffeine which could attribute you to frequently answering the short calls.

4.Exercise: once you confirm that you are expectant, then you need to practice this since it is also one of the major key roles of parenting. Therefore, you should always make sure that you do little workouts frequently to help you strengthen your pelvic muscles and keeping them fit.