Meet A woman With 7 Husbands

A woman known to be a traditional healer left netizens tongue-tied after she revealed that she is married to seven husbands whom she treats equally and builds houses for.

Well, the woman takes care of all her husbands equally and fulfills their sexual desires.

Ironically the woman has never cut off her hair since birth and her hair`s length is knee height. She claims she resembles the ancient Samson in the bubble who had powers on his hair and never shaved then not until his wife Delilah shaved them off while asleep.

According to the woman, her idea of marrying seven husbands is from “the elders” who decide which man to marry and when. She also says that non of her husbands can cheat on her since she has the power to detect such before it even happens.

Also, she decides which husband to sleep with on any given day and satisfies them all equally.