Have You Heard About The Women And Pineapple Myth?

People have claimed that pineapples alter the scent of vaginal fluids; how true is this?

Have You Heard About The Women And Pineapple Myth?

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is sweet and tart. It has a pleasant scent, and a single pineapple fruit has an estimated 82 percent of water. The pineapple fruit is mainly used to make juice and fruit salads; it is hard to find a fruit salad bowl with no pineapple pieces.

Pineapples are rich in Vitamin C, which aids in tissue growth and repair. Pineapples are also high in flavonoids and phenolic acids, two antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals that can cause disease. Pineapples also contain fiber, among other nutrients.

For quite some time, it has been rumored that the fruit can make a woman’s lady parts smell good. Several people claiming to be biochemists have suggested that they can make a woman’s vagina smell like candy, oranges many other scents.

Scientists say no research has concluded that pineapples actually alter the scent and smell of the private parts. Some foods we eat affect how other secretions smell; pungent foods like garlic, onions, spices, and smoked foods can affect our breath, sweat, and urine until released from the body.

It is wise to take proper care of your private parts as a lady and avoid using harsh products that change the pH of your vaginal fluids as that may lead to infections. The smell and scent of the fluids are naturally bound to change a bit when having your menstrual cycle. Remember, your vagina naturally cleanses itself to maintain the appropriate pH.

Taking pineapples will benefit your body in numerous ways; it hydrates your body and supplements it with all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients advantageous to your body. Pineapples are a fruit highly recommended not just for women but all. The only downside of pineapples is that they are highly acidic, but that doesn’t make them unhealthy.