Why Are Talking Stages So Hard?

In modern dating, one of the most difficult stages that you may encounter as you begin a new relationship is the talking stage. A lot of things tend to happen at this stage, and one thing to keep in mind is that you must be cautious of all actions you take with your partner because they may affect the future of what you want to have.

Why Are Talking Stages So Hard?

People in modern dating are likely to be in the talking stage but have yet to establish or define their relationships.

What is the talking stage?

The talking stage is the time when two people who have expressed mutual romantic interest in each other get to know each other on a deeper level than friendship in order to decide what to do next.

Here you are eager to get to know your partner. At this point, their likes, preferences, emotions, and feelings, among other things, are largely revealed. Keep in mind that this is a risky stage because your partner could be a camouflage. He/she may pretend how he/she behaves, but once you're both in a relationship, he may reveal the real him.

Sometimes people use the talking stage to avoid commitments to a relationship.

How long should the talking stage take?

There is no actual period of time that this phase should take as people have different habits and also take different amounts of time to get to know each other.

According to experts, this stage might take between a few days, to a few months and so some a year or so.

What to avoid doing in the talking stages.

Talking stages might be overwhelming at times and you need to control yourself as an individual.

1. Avoid being quick to make moves.

When in the talking stages, you should not get to rush to get into a relationship real quick. Always take some time to get to know your partner. Some partners tend to show their real behaviors after a period of time while others are fast to show you their behavior.

2. Avoid limiting yourself when talking to other people

It's fine as long as the people you're talking to don't get the impression that you're exclusive.
If you're conversing with multiple people, don't let them believe they're the only ones. Also, if you were fine with the person you're talking to talking to other people at first but it became uncomfortable later, let them know. It could be a lot less serious for them than it is for you, and you owe it to yourself to find out if you're wasting your time.


3. Avoid over texting your partner.

This is one of the most common mistakes that people make when in the talking stage. It is okay to communicate with your partner and check up on how they are fairing on with their daily chores but always avoid overdoing it.

Over communicating with your partner sometimes becomes nagging and this might make them lose interest in you. You can go for a few days without texting them a lot. This also makes you stable and alerts your partner that you are still able to survive on your own without them being involved.


The reality is that texting is just a tool for communicating not a measurement of whether or not you have a good relationship or are being chosen, or loved.

A guy will frequently text you 2-3 times per day. In the early stages, he will most likely initiate more often. Then, as your relationship develops, a guy may be less likely to text you on a daily or frequent basis. To be completely honest, a guy's texting habits vary from man to man and can also change over time.

4. Always communicate your expectations.

It is critical to communicate your expectations from the beginning. If you expect the talking stage to be exclusive and the other person does not, this could lead to heartbreak later on, so clear communication is essential. And it's perfectly fine to take a step back if something doesn't feel right or you don't feel ready just yet.

5. Avoid overthinking.

Overthinking is the habit of thinking about something too much and/or for too long. Overthinking is also known as 'analysis paralysis,' because it causes you to become stuck in your thoughts and prevents you from taking action.


Women are more prone to overthinking. And excessive thinking can result in mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, as well as emotional distress and self-destructive behavior.

Sometimes when In a talking stage, you should consider trusting your gut, write down your thoughts, be mindful, or get out of your head to avoid creating scenarios that may affect your well-being.

Talking stages might seem difficult but when handled properly might turn out to lead to a very promising future ahead.