This is the Reason Why You Attract Unavailable Men

It’s quite annoying to always have the same endings to your relationships or not having what you want at the course of it all. You may be asking yourself why this happens and why you tend to attract the same people and experiences at all costs. Law of attraction being the main reason, learn about the rest.

This is the Reason Why You Attract Unavailable Men


It’s quite annoying to always have the same endings to your relationships or not having what you want at the course of it all. You may be asking yourself why this happens and why you tend to attract the same people and experiences at all costs. Law of attraction being the main reason, learn about the rest.

When we are around people that we do not like, we tend to be ourselves more than when we are with people we like. This means that the people around you will seem to like you for who you are and get attracted to you compared to those who you are acting for. We tend to be real and you know how the law of attraction works, that we attract what we actually are.

We also do not accept our past negative experience and learn from them. Most people put the blame on the other party and push to it that they were never the problem. Learn to accept what happened without putting the blame on others and try to change your perspective for the better. Work on your flaws and find a way to accept it.

Free yourself of the past. Most times we tend to meet people who keep hurting us or boyfriends who keep lying and cheating on us. It is because we let that sink in and manifest it all the way from inside us to the people around us. Sometimes it is not usually their cause for them to hurt you but yourself. At this point, negative experience has become part of you and is now your life story. So, whenever you meet up a new person, you expect the same and you end up making it a reality. Same cycle for the worst experiences. So, the outcome for negative vibrations wins.

You compromise a lot once you feel like you liked someone and don’t act like you deserve better. Once they get to see that you compromise a lot, they tend to stay by you since they will not have to lose either way. Learn to stand by your ground and do not let people step on your ideology.

I know we’d all like to see ourselves happy and around positive minded people. It all has to begin with ourselves and what we put in our minds: consciously and sub-consciously. Accept who you are and try to work on your flaws. Fill yourself more with what you want and you will attract what you want too.