Table Etiquette Rules You Must Know

Observing table etiquette rules will make you look decent; they also enable one to feel confident when dining in the company of other people. Table manners should be observed even when you are alone.

Table Etiquette Rules You Must Know

The rules below can be applied when dining at home or a restaurant.

Excusing yourself from the table

If you need to use the restroom, use the phrase ‘Excuse me please, I will be right back. Mentioning the word restroom or washroom to some can turn them off as they can visualize what goes on in the washrooms.

Placing your bag

Do not place your bag on top of the table as it disrupts the setup of the place. Instead, look for a hook, stand, or an extra chair while in a restaurant. Do not put your bag on the floor. When invited to home setup, your host should show you where to place your bag.

Yawning and sneezing

Yawning and sneezing are reflex responses, but if you cannot control it, do it in a sophisticated way and excuse yourself when you are done. If you can control it, excuse yourself from the table and use the washrooms. Try not to yawn and sneeze on the dining table.


Do not yell out their name when you need the waiter’s help or attention. Kindly stay relaxed and try to establish eye contact with the waiter. The waiter observes that will walk up to your table and be at your service. This applies to dining in a restaurant. If there is a miscommunication on your order or the services do not meet your expectations, do not yell at the waiter or management, which will distract other dinners. It is disrespectful to yell at people. Find a polite way to channel your feedback to those in charge.


When sitting on a chair, you are not supposed to slouch. Sit straight and maintain that upright posture as it is the proper posture to maintain while eating. Slouching can make you feel uncomfortable and is not elegant at all.


Be polite to everyone serving you, regardless of their role. Use kind words such as ‘thank you, ‘please,’ and treat them with respect. This sends a good impression and makes those at your service feel appreciated and confident.


Any time you are dining, your phone should always be out of reach. Put your phone away, be in the moment with the people you are dining with and enjoy the meal. Whether you are eating at, at a friend’s place, or the restaurant, avoid using your phone throughout the meal.