Secrets to eliminating egg and meat pimples allergies

Food allergies have been a cause of concern over the years affecting up to 8% of children and about 2% of adults.  While people can have allergic reactions to pork, lamb, fish or even game meat, a cause of concern has been allergic reactions inform of pimples when one takes beef or eggs. 

I'll break it down on how to eliminate meat and egg pimples through your diet. 

Let me start with wheat and grains, Wheat and grains have a plant element known as GLUTEN, this gluten behaves like amino acids, Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. When you eat a protein, it is broken down into amino acids. 

Source: Allergic living, a lady resisting eggs

There are 9 essential amino acids 

Tryptophan, Threonine, Valine, Phenylalanine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Lysine, Leucine and Methionine 

These 9 essential amino acids are wholly found in meat and eggs.  Red meat and eggs have all the 9 amino acids. However wheat, maize, barley (alcohol) and other grains have gluten. Gluten has two incomplete amino acids which are: Glutamine and Proline 

Now here is where it gets interesting, when you eat gluten, the digestion process gets stranded because gluten was never meant to be digested by the human gut. So, the body is forced to produce a foreign enzyme to digest gluten. This foreign enzyme remains foreign to the body defence system. So as the enzyme digests, the white blood cells fight it and here you end up with gluten intolerance. Every time you eat gluten, the defence system has to wage a war in your gut called inflammation and here, chronic inflammation in the gut leads to gut conditions. 

Source: Allergic living, meat

Consequently, if it is a baby or a child being introduced to gluten, the body may quickly adapt to the foreign enzyme that digests gluten. But here is the problem, 

Since the body now recognises this new enzyme, it begins now fighting the other enzymes that digest the other essential amino acids. This war or inflammation now becomes between the immune system and the essential amino acids. 

Therefore, any animal product becomes an enemy of the immune system. Why? Because of gluten. 

Source: Allergic living, eggs 

Now, what is the solution? 

  • Do away with gluten in your diet. 
  • Ensure you fast daily 
  • Take cruciferous veggies 
  • Take cabbage and cabbage juice. 
  • Make Suerkraut. 
  • Stay away from sugar, fructose, milk and alcohol. 

 After following all these religiously, be patient, the allergy will go for good.