Russian Attacks On Ukraine Intensifies.

The Russian-Ukraine war hits another level as the Russians proceed from explosions and shelling to seizing cities.

Russian Attacks On Ukraine Intensifies.
Russian Attacks On Ukraine Intensifies.

It has been seven days since Russia first invaded Ukraine, so far, hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers have lost their lives in the attacks. More than 300 Ukrainian citizens have been killed, including children and many others left wounded from the attacks.

The invasion has seen thousands of Ukrainian citizens take refuge in neighboring countries to escape the fatalities from the war.

The war seems to intensify each day, with Russian soldiers taking control over cities, including Kherson, a strategic port in Ukraine, and Kharvik, the second-largest city in the country. Russian troops have continued to invade Ukrainian cities leaving many unwounded.

Russian troops forced their entry into the city of Kherson and assumed full control. The city of Kharvik is still under a series of attacks from Russians, with more shelling on the streets and air raids.

As the war continues, it is reported that Ukrainian soldiers are suffering fewer deaths and injuries compared to the Russians.

Since the attack, Ukrainians are plunging into losses as each day passes, from loss of lives to loss of security and safe shelters. Amidst all these, Ukrainian citizens are still defending their country the best way they can

Therefore, the International Criminal Court (ICC) initiated a court probe on potential criminal wars by Russia as far as 2013. The investigations will look into each past incident, allegation, and criminal activity committed by Russians in any part of Ukraine.

“These referrals enable my Office to proceed with opening an investigation into the situation in Ukraine from 21 November 2013 onwards,” the ICC prosecutor revealed in a statement.