Pregnancy Test waiting period

If you've never experienced the worry and tension that comes with going out to get a pregnancy test, you're in for a treat. peeing on the stick and waiting the all-too-familiar five minutes Consider yourself really fortunate.

Pregnancy Test waiting period

Whether you are actively trying to get pregnant or the condom broke it is quite an unnerving time. So what can you keep yourself from completely freaking out? Well here are a few tips on what you can do.


Five minutes can seem like a really short time but during this time it can be the longest five minutes of your life. And you may be tempted to keep checking the test so I would suggest probably taking your phone in there with you or listening to some music. Just set your timer and leave it in the bathroom that is if you live alone if you don't set your timer and try scrolling through your social media as you wait.


When you are in this anxious state you are not thinking rationally especially if this is a 'whoopsie' kind of pregnancy and you don't overthink. I remember when I had this anxiety some time back I had a friend who took me to go buy a test and didn't leave my side until the results came back. So you need someone who understands what you are going through and can help you calm down. Also in case you are pregnant, they can help you think through what to do next.

Pregnancy Tests: When to Take One, Accuracy, and Results


If you are you are part of the 21st-century google is where you get everything. And I mean everything so when you suspect you are pregnant you end up going to look for symptoms and other people's testimonies. I once read about a woman who said she found out she was five months pregnant before the doctor's discovered this and that can freak you out and you might end up spending so much money on pregnancy tests.

So I hope I've helped you out so during this period just try to relax and whatever your result is know it's not the end of the world.