Effects of Wearing 'Push up' Bras Ladies Should Know

Ladies always have the choice on what they put on especially on Private wares such as bras.

Effects of Wearing 'Push up' Bras Ladies Should Know

Most ladies love putting on tight and push-up bras but hey today are the negative health effects ladies should know that these tight nice-looking bras are dangerous.

Well, below is the  health effects of tight bras:
1.Breast tenderness
While this condition can be attributed to several reasons, tight bras can contribute to tender Breasts. Remember Tight bras put pressure on your breast leading to more damage.

2.Sore neck
Wearing a too-tight bra can put extra strain on your muscles leading to back pain and neck pain due to too much pressure around the shoulder area.

3.Insufficient oxygen supply
Wearing a tight bra to bed can cause a medical condition known as anoxia this is when part of your body can't get enough oxygen. This can cause damage to your health.