cheapest pets

cheapest pets

If you live alone or have small kids it has crossed your mind to own a pet. Pets can cheer up a home but you are maybe thinking I can't afford this well in this article I will tell you the most pocket-friendly pets.

1. A guinea pig

This little guy is for those who want something cuddly that’s easier on the wallet than a puppy. You can buy a guinea pig for as low as  Shs250- Shs 1,000. These entertaining creatures live about five to seven years, so they also typically require less of a time commitment than a cat or a dog. They are remarkably vocal when excited and will make a variety of sounds when they see their favorite people or when there are treats. They are quite intelligent and come in different colors. Also, their food is quite affordable. 

2. GoldFish

You can buy one for as low as shs 100 in Nairobi. They also add some light to the room, are fun to watch, and are pretty low maintenance. They can live as many as fifteen years old. They can survive on flakes food, Bloodworms, mosquito larvae, and brine shrimp are excellent sources of protein. The only tough part is looking after them is cleaning their bowl which is still easier than cleaning a dog.

3. Rabbits

They qualify as a cheap, low-maintenance pet even though white rabbits can be as large as some cats and dogs. You can buy a rabbit for as low as five hundred on Jiji. Rabbits are social and with gentle handling are generally quite tame. They are intelligent, playful, and entertaining to watch. Rabbits often form very close bonds with their owners and are affectionate.

Unfortunately, other animals such as pigeons are unfortunately not very easy to keep. Since they poop everywhere and don't necessarily like to be touched. But pets have many benefits like; They make sure you’re never lonely, lower your stress levels, and if you have children they can teach kids responsibility.

But here's a tip if you want to get a pet on the cheap then make sure to purchase them when they are still little.