Benefits of not wearing a bra

Today is no bra day so let us look at the benefits of not wearing a bra all the time.

Benefits of not wearing a bra

1. Sleep better

Scientists do not approve of you wearing a bra at night. Apart from the rumors that you might get breast cancer wearing a bra to bed is more likely to cause discomfort and disturb your sleep cycle. Wearing tight things like a bra at night may bring discomfort while sleeping impacting your circadian rhythms.

2. Reduction of fungal infection

Certain fabrics lead to a lot of sweating and can't soak in the sweat. This can lead to discomfort during a very hot day. Sweating can cause your breast and the fabric of your bra to undergo a lot of friction which can lead to itching as well as redness. And can lead to a fungal infection. 

3. Improve your breast shape

It is not true that not wearing a bra will make your breasts tight. In fact, a French study has proven that bras most likely have the opposite effect, causing breasts to lose their shape over time. According to the study, the support of bras weakens the muscles in the chest, making the breasts droop.

4. Save money

Bras can be expensive especially nice, comfortable, stylish ones. But you can reduce how many bras you actually need by going braless.

Uniqlo Soft Wireless Bra Review 2020 | The Strategist