Attention! Ladies Here are Things to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a passway to motherhood. It has challenges and advantages that mothers or mothers to be should know.

Attention! Ladies Here are Things  to Avoid During Pregnancy

This varies from the type of foods that they consume. There are different types of foods that expectant mothers should not eat during the gestation period.

Below is the list of things that pregnant mothers should not do or should not eat they are as follows:

Alcohol: Pregnant ladies/women should not drink alcohol. This is because it leads to a variety of conditions referred to as ‘fetal alcohol spectrum disorders’ including ‘fetal alcohol syndrome.

Scientifically babies exposed to large quantities of alcohol can develop intellectual problems, physical abnormalities, seizures, behavioral problems, development delays, and poor growth.

Medicines: Pregnant mothers are not allowed to take medicines regularly unless when under doctors' prescriptions.

They should therefore avoid over-the-counter painkillers.

In addition, pregnant women are advised to avoid herbal medicine during pregnancy since there are very few studies to assess their safety during this period.

When having Colds and coughs, one should ask the pharmacist.

Foods and Drinks

Foods such as sharks, swordfish, and some seafood contain high levels of mercury, which can affect the growing baby’s brain. Therefore should be avoided at all cost.

Uncooked meat/fish/eggs: Pregnant women should avoid raw meat dishes such as sushi and raw oysters as they can host harmful germs such as salmonella and toxoplasma which can cause food poisoning.

Caffeine: This is not only found in coffee and tea. It is also found in chocolate, cola, and energy drinks. Avoid too much caffeine can lead to palpitations, elevated blood pressure, and cause you to pee too much.