5. Home Remedies of Treating Eye Discharge in Toddlers

A clogged tear duct is the most prevalent cause of eye discharge in neonates. Within 4 to 6 months, the blockage will normally resolve up on its own. However, neonates who have eye redness, discharge, or excessive watering should consult a doctor to determine the cause and rule out an infection.

5. Home Remedies of Treating Eye Discharge in Toddlers

Mild eye discharge can be treated at home in the following ways.

1. Avoid irritants that may cause an allergic reaction.

These irritants might be the kind of oil you are using on your baby, the perfume you're using, and anything else.

2. Gently wipe away discharge with a clean washcloth or cotton swab

Whenever you want to clean up your baby`s eyes gently use smooth cotton wool or a swab to avoid reinfection. Remember your baby is still young and his / her immunity isn't strong still.

3. Apply a warm compress for discharge caused by infection, stye, or blocked tear duct to clear off the discharge.

4. Gently massage the eye area for discharge caused by a blocked tear duct or stye

Remember to do this gently to avoid harming your baby's eyes.

5. Help toddlers to wash their hands frequently if an eye infection occurs

Always help your toddler or baby by regularly cleaning up their hands to avoid re-infection whenever they touch their faces.

NOTE: These home remedies can only help in relieving the eye Discharge but infections might be cured by Antibiotics from the physicians.